Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I Believe .....

I believe, yes that all things are possible. It's been a long time since I have been able to write about that truth. One thing I know, God's love is all around me - he's taken pain and turned it into joy. He's taken brokenness and healed it. He's been a true friend and loving father.

What's next? I dunno....but it's going to be good. I've heard our pastors talk about God "showing up, and showing off" I love that....I mean really, how often do you get to see that? I guess it depends on how often you are willing to just trust God, do what he asks, and see what happens. Personally, I have had a hard time letting go of some things......it's not easy giving that control away. But I did, and God has given me freedom from those feelings and people that were holding me prisoner. I'm learning.......slowly, but surely.

Like I said I don't know what's next....but a song we often sing in church will NOT leave me.... Here are a few of the words:

Where you go, I'll go
Where you stay, I'll stay
When you move, I'll move
I will follow you
Who you Love, I'll Love
How you serve, I'll serve
If this life I loose, I will follow you.

What else can I say. ♥

Monday, July 13, 2009

This is Isabelle.....she was so sweet!
This lady had to go get her hat before we could take a picture of her. She was showing us her chimney....this is one of the projects going on in the barrio. without the chimney, the coal that they burn fills their home with dangerous smoke.
Me and Dani....She and her husband moved to Peru 4 years ago to be full time missionaries there. They have done a lot in that time.....I'm very proud of them! It was great to see her, we've been friends for over 7 years.

Back Home

Buenos Dias....

Well, I made it home......I am still so tired from all the travel ~ but starting to feel better. Friday night after our goodbyes to all the friends we made in the barrio, I just couldn't post a blog....I was way too emotional. /the day started with some activities with the leaders, we made picarones (Peruvian donut like dessert). The evening ended with praise music and dancing. The goodbye's were overwhelming and I just can't put into words the emotions I was feeling. Saturday was an early morning flight to Lima, where we spent the day in the city - then caught our flight to Houston at midnight....ending up in Phoenix around 945 Sunday morning. I'm still recuperating...as I feel better I will try to post more stories. I loved Peru.....I am just dealing with sadness that things don't need to be the way they are, Peru has MANY natural resources - however, the rights have been sold to foreign countries so that government officials may profit...makes me feel sick.

Thanks again for all of your support.....it has meant so much to me.

xoxoxo Tori

Thursday, July 9, 2009

One More Day in the Bario


What a busy couple of days! Lets see......yesterday was great, we had some time to work on the school and put up another wall.....yes indeed, I can now drywall. Also Kris and I did some painting. after lunch we set up and got ready for over 30 women to tak about prayer and then make prayer boxes. These are boxes for them to write down their prayers and then look back at them to see what God has done. It was a great time for them to fellowship with eachother, and for us to bond with them too.

Today was an early day in the bario with the kiddos......so little (wish I could upload photos!!!!!)and so precious. you'll see. we did "centers", so they could rotate and do a craft, hear a story, and then have a snack. So many hugs and kisses today, they are getting to know me and call my name when we pull up in our taxi....sometmes they start runnning and waving as we drive by - I think I might have a hard time saying goodbye tomorrow. I wish Darrik and the kids were here to experience this....they would love the people here.

The afternoon and evening was devoted to the youth in the bario. We had a very fun relay race - The peruanas against the gringos. we lost of course by a milisecond thanks to me falling 3 times on my face in the rocks....Im ok.....at least they had a great laugh at the white girl that is clumbsy. serously...they were laughing so hard! then Kris (she is a 20 yr old U of A student)gave her testimony and a lesson on leadership.....the vision of project new hope international is the train up leaders so they can become self sustaining communities. Anyway, the night ended up with some food and fun games with the teens. We had to leave.....seemed too soon.

good night all,

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Great Day

Today was by far the best day yet! We went straight to the bario this morning and got started on some construction, which was great....but, Im realizing something here......Allt he construction in the world means diddly squat if there is no love. A few of us left to take some gifts to ladies in the bario that have church group in their homes....basically they host - often against their husbands wishes. These women risk a lot to share Jesus with eachother. many of them cant read, so others read to them directly from the bible.....over and over so they can memorize it. Amazing, right? I was blown away. They were so excited by the (small) gift we brought, they didnt know what to do.....we prayed with them, and by the time we left they knew we cared and loved them. I somehow feel that doing that was more important than anything else we could have done.

In the afternoon we did get some work done on the school, and then at 3 oclock it was time for the lesson I had prepared. Everthing went very well....Kris, my interpreter did an amazing job and the women undrstood perfectly. We had a great turnout of new women who are unbelievers and hopefully the experience wil lead them to return to church. It was a fun time, we served the ladies by giving them mini maicures and painting their nails. Plus...there was food! Did I mention the food here is pretty good? it is.....yum.


Much Love,

P.S. Met a beautiful 75 year old lady today...Isabella Rodriguez....remined me of my grandma that passed away. The way she moved her hands, her pretty smile....She was so proud to tell us her name...her finger waved through the air as if she were directing music while teling us her name. I miss her.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Long Day........

Ok, just a reminder.......I am typing on a spanish keyboard with most of the keys worn off....plus, tonight its kid of sticky. =( so please forginve mistakes!!!

Today we sent a full day in the bario that our curch started supporting about 4 years ago. Things have improved so much over the years and I have learned that theere are 8 or 9 more barios just like this one that the team here is preparing to start work in. Seems like they are taking on a huge task, but they do it with a joyfull heart.

Today we fed maybe 100 kids, I can hardly wait to share pictures. Then we did a story and craft with the kids, afterward they had their annual bazaar where the kids get a treat for coming to bible story time and being well behaved, etc.

The comunity center actually has a small kitchen where Theresa, a leaders wife made us an amazing lunch. Just a few years ago there was no electricity, no water....nothing.

There is so much more, but I have to go get ready for devotion time......

much love,

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Hi all...just a quick update-
We went into the bario today to meet with the leaders. We went to a park to get to know them better, and build a relationship since we will be working closely with them for the next weeek. It was so humbling to see the conditions of the bario, and yet some from our group that have been here before are marveling at how well things look and how the bario is progressing. I made so many new friends today and many moments that brought me to tears.....I almost lost it when one of the little gilrs at the end of the day gave me a hug, kissed my cheek, and said "Gracias, Tori....Hasa MaƱana". What wonderful people....So thankful for the smallest things.

Tomorrow s going to be a long day......we are in the baio from morning till late at night!

Much love to all,

P.S. To Kelsie and Josh.....these guys LOVE Soccer and Volleyball - They beat us barefoot. ;)
love you xoxoxoxo